

Here’s the table of contents:

  1. 一、模拟超级节点
  2. 二、优化超级节点


  • 数据建模
    (人物 {name})-[发表 {score}]->(文章 {number})
  • 数据生成
    MERGE (per:人物 {name:'Superman'}) RETURN ID(per) AS id;
    CALL apoc.periodic.iterate('WITH RANGE(0,1000000) AS list UNWIND list AS num RETURN num','CREATE (atc:文章 {number:num})', {parallel:true,batchSize:1000}) YIELD  batches,total,timeTaken,committedOperations,failedOperations,failedBatches,retries,errorMessages,batch,operations RETURN batches,total,timeTaken,committedOperations,failedOperations,failedBatches,retries,errorMessages,batch,operations;
    CREATE INDEX ON :文章(number);
    CALL apoc.periodic.iterate('WITH RANGE(0,1000000) AS list UNWIND list AS num RETURN num','MATCH (per),(atc:文章) WHERE ID(per)=3138206 AND atc.number=num CREATE (per)-[r:发表]->(atc) SET r.score=RAND()', {parallel:true,batchSize:1000}) YIELD  batches,total,timeTaken,committedOperations,failedOperations,failedBatches,retries,errorMessages,batch,operations RETURN batches,total,timeTaken,committedOperations,failedOperations,failedBatches,retries,errorMessages,batch,operations;
  • 查询
    MATCH (per:人物)-[r:发表]->(atc:文章) WHERE ID(per)=3138206
    RETURN ID(per) AS id,per.name AS name,r.score AS score ORDER BY score ASC SKIP 0 LIMIT 20
    // Started streaming 20 records after 1 ms and completed after 1874 ms.
    // Started streaming 20 records in less than 1 ms and completed after 1526 ms.

    MATCH (per:人物)-[r:发表]->(atc:文章) WHERE ID(per)=3138206 RETURN count(*) MATCH (n:文章) detach delete n


  • 数据建模
    (人物 {name})-[TOP20 {score}]->(文章 {number})
  • 查询
    MATCH (per:人物)-[r:TOP20]->(atc:文章) WHERE ID(per)=3138206
    RETURN ID(per) AS id,per.name AS name,r.score AS score
